Just write out everything here -> r/marketing - Marketing Campaign frameworks?


There are so many areas in life where a smaller level of something mimics the same principles a larger event does.

For example, take a Michelin-starred restaurant presenting a multi-course meal. Each dish presented is balancing sourness, saltiness, savoriness, bitterness, and sweetness, yet while those components may be mixed in each dish, the dish itself has an overall character, so a great meal would present a series of courses that also takes you through these items in a particular order.

While there is more to marketing than writing, and email campaigns, if you are referring to one of those, I would think about the copywriting framework for a single page ad for whatever you are selling, then take each component of that, and think "What would I do to sell this product on this single point alone?" Expand all the points significantly and you've now created a marketing campaign.

If you don't understand the smaller stuff like copywriting frameworks, then you probably don't have the experience to come up with marketing campaigns, but if you do, you just need to apply what you already know at a bigger scale.

So, there are frameworks out there… but every use-case would warrant its own framework!

Tech B2B? There’s a frameworks for that somewhere. Food B2C? An entirely different one somewhere out there, too!

As a general side note, be careful with frameworks: Every campaign thrives on tailoring the message to your product in your market to your audience.

Frameworks can partially get you there, but if you’re not ready to get bare-bones with the marketing, then you can expect average results at best!

not so much a framework, but I just work in reverse when I market to a customer/segment...

  • What and how are they?
  • Whats the problem?
  • How does xxxx company solve that problem?
  • Press play

Connecting to the Right People

The People who will most likely need or buy your shit.

And Create as much Attention as possible so that people will notice us

And to listen what to we have to say, Our Market Message, and hopefully to buy our shit.

EDIT: It's just a simplified common sense definition, I get it lol.

But I dunno, thinking of it like it this helps me make better Marketing decisions whether I should include complexities into the mix.

I'm 33yo and I've been working in digital marketing (Google Ads, Facebook, etc.) for 7+ years and worked in more traditional mkt the 3 years prior. I've done copywriting as well. I f*cking HATE it all.

Promoting crap, the unnecessary high-involvement "culture" (this sort of corporate BS alone pisses me off) and constant useless meetings, promoting businesses owned by people I despise...

I have a bachelor's and a master's in Marketing. Never cared for it but forced myself to get them. I was afraid I might not be talented enough for an arts degree. The thing is, I'm just resuming drawing/painting after a 23-year hiatus, so my art work is BY NO MEANS monetizable.

Despite my hatred for mkt, I'm quite good at what I do. I make 6 figures and work 100% remotely, but I have 0 passion for it and it's making me miserable. I'm willing to take a very significant pay cut, but I can't give up working remotely.

With all this, would Salesforce/Hubspot management be any better? It pays well, can be done remotely, and it's not marketing. Would it be any less involved, as far as corporate culture goes? I'm sooo tired of all the phone calls... I'm super personable, but the truth is that I prefer to work alone and to interact as little as possible when I'm working.

I'd really appreciate some suggestions. Also, sorry for the long rant!!

tl;dr: Hate everything mkt/advertising. Want career change but to still work 100% remotely and make at least $60k/year. Would Salesforce/Hubspot mgmt be any better? Any good alternatives?

Sorry English is not my main language.

Today my husband had an interview and the interviewer asked him this question: “What is your perspective/ approach of marketing?”. He said “In my opinion, marketing is about customer experience and supporting sales, not only increasing revenue.” And interviewer then said: “No, no, marketing should be only focused on profit, we do everything to make money. Hmm, so we don’t have the same point of view.”

Based on her answer, I think my husband won’t get that job. What do you think about this?

Edit: Wow, I didn't think that so many people would answer my question. Thank you very much! My husband read all of your comments and decides to look for another job. Your comments help him a lot!

There are so many systems out there, it's getting frustrating 😅 hopefully someone here can help..

Be able to see a list of posts which have certain hashtags # as we obviously want to comment on them..

Facebook's own is great, but I need something to keep track of ALL engagement..

Please help, if the system doesn't do all I need, I really don't have time to check out systems that don't meet my needs.. wastes too many hours..

If you work in design, there are tons of stakeholders (internal and external) that can give feedback and critcism on your design whether they are designers themselves or not.

If you work in performance marketing, the client constantly bugs you for performance updates and why the keywords are not ranking / ads are not converting, and again they can provide critique based on some article that they read online.

I was just wondering, an IT department would never be challenged by the clients as it is not something they usually can see or critique, let alone understand. Which jobs in marketing is similar to that?

The ones that come to mind are the technical roles like web dev, marketing automation, ad ops, data strategy (analytics). What do you guys think?