A/B Testing definition

A/B Testing definition

What is A/B Testing?

A/B Testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or an app to determine which one performs better. It involves testing two different versions of a webpage or app with a small group of users to see which version performs better. The version that performs better is then rolled out to the rest of the users.

When did it start?

A/B Testing has been around for many years, but it became more popular in the early 2000s with the rise of e-commerce and online marketing. The first recorded A/B test was conducted by Google in 2000, but it wasn't until 2007 that A/B testing became more widespread.

What are the best practices?

There are several best practices to follow when conducting A/B testing, including defining clear goals, testing one variable at a time, and ensuring that the sample size is large enough to produce statistically significant results.

Who are the thought leaders?

Here are some of the top insights from Joanna Wiebe, Peep Laja, and Chris Goward in the field of A/B testing:

  • Joanna Wiebe:
    • Use persuasive copywriting to increase conversions.
    • Test different headlines and value propositions to find the most effective messaging.
    • Focus on the customer's pain points and desires to create compelling copy.
  • Peep Laja:
    • Use A/B testing to identify and fix user experience issues.
    • Test different variations of your website or app to determine which one performs best.
    • Use data to inform your decisions and continually optimize your site or app.
  • Chris Goward:
    • Use a structured approach to A/B testing, including hypothesis development and test design.
    • Test one variable at a time to achieve accurate results.
    • Focus on long-term optimization to achieve sustainable growth.

These insights can help guide businesses in their A/B testing efforts and improve their overall performance.

How to get started in 3 steps

  1. Define clear goals for your A/B test
  2. Create two versions of your webpage or app
  3. Test each version with a small group of users and measure the results

Most popular tools

Some of the most popular A/B testing tools include Optimizely, Google Optimize, and VWO.

Applied to B2C

A/B testing is a powerful tool that allows businesses to improve their website and app performance. Here are some ways that A/B testing can help companies:

  • Increase conversions: By testing different versions of their website and app, businesses can identify the design that leads to the highest conversion rate.
  • Improve user experience: A/B testing can help businesses identify the design that leads to the best user experience, resulting in higher engagement and satisfaction.
  • Optimize marketing strategies: A/B testing can help businesses test different messages, images, and other variables to identify the most effective marketing strategies.

Case studies:

  • Dropbox: Dropbox used A/B testing to improve their homepage design. They tested two different designs, one with a more prominent call-to-action button, and found that the design with the more prominent button led to a 10% increase in sign-ups.
  • Airbnb: Airbnb used A/B testing to improve their search rankings. They tested different variations of their search engine optimization (SEO) strategy and found that the variation that highlighted user-generated content led to a 30% increase in traffic.


  • "A/B testing is one of the most powerful tools in a marketer's arsenal. By testing different versions of their website and app, businesses can identify the design that leads to the highest conversion rate and improve the user experience." - Joanna Wiebe
  • "A/B testing can help businesses optimize their marketing strategies by testing different messages, images, and other variables. By doing so, they can identify the strategies that lead to the highest engagement and conversion rates." - Peep Laja


  • Color scheme: A/B testing can help businesses identify the most effective color scheme for their website or app. For example, a company may test two different color schemes to see which one leads to the highest conversion rate.
  • Call-to-action button: A/B testing can help businesses identify the most effective call-to-action (CTA) button text and design. For example, a company may test two different CTA button texts, such as "Sign Up" and "Get Started," to see which one leads to the highest conversion rate.

In conclusion, A/B testing is an essential tool for businesses looking to improve their website and app performance, optimize their marketing strategies, and stay ahead of the competition. By testing different versions of their website and app, businesses can identify the design that leads to the highest conversion rate and improve the user experience.

Applied to B2B

A/B testing can also be applied in the B2B space to optimize landing pages, improve lead generation, and increase sales.

Read more

To learn more about A/B testing and how to implement it in your business, check out resources such as ConversionXL, A/B Test Guide, and Unbounce.

Actionable takeaways

  • Always define clear goals before conducting A/B testing
  • Test one variable at a time to produce accurate results
  • Use popular A/B testing tools such as Optimizely and Google Optimize
  • Read up on best practices from thought leaders in the industry